At the bottom of the blog, in case you have not noticed, ICECrush and I have listed our Top Ten Albums of 2007.  It is a pretty hefty and nice sized list, and I advise those looking for some good music to check it out.  So we covered the Best of 2007, but what about the worst?  I am sure you can all think of an album that you must have been like, "What the heck was this music artist thinking when he/she decided to come out with this album...?"  Well, we are with you on that one!  We have made our very own list, dedicated to THE WORST OF 2007.  Enjoy!

#1: Soulja Boy - Souljaboytellem.Com

While everyone is out there doing their dances to "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" I am sitting here, trying to figure out why.  Out of all the albums to be released in 2007, this by far was the worst of the worst.  While it is hard for me to truly criticize a rookie effort from Soulja Boy, I find it absolutely crazy and absurd that there are people out there who can sit there and listen to this. While I will agree, "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" does have a very catchy tune (and a a fresh type of dance), the rest of the album as a whole was terrible. If you liked it, well then that is your very own opinion, but after hearing the ever so popular single, I expected a little bit more out of this album... The best way I can describe Soulja Boy's lyrical style is to an ever so popular Rap & Hip-Hop artist that goes by the name of Lil' Jon.  Each use many phrases over and over again in their songs. Nas named one of his albums Hip Hop is Dead, I think that Soulja Boy's newest album is perfect proof that indeed, Hip-Hop is Dead.

#2: T-Pain - Epiphany

I am never one to conform to what is popular, and although this album was extremely popular, there really was no substance to it.  Besides the three main songs, I did not see what was so special about Epiphany.  Just like all T-Pain songs, this album got boring fast.  His music, in my opinion, are generally quick hits.  By This I mean that he does not have a ton of hit songs on an album and the few that he has get played to death (making his good songs get old fast). While I will agree that songs such as "Church," "Bartender," "Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin')" are very solid hit songs, the album itself is really nothing.  Considering that this is about the worst albums not and singles, I place Epiphany at number two.

#3: MIMS - Music is My Life

Where does one even start with this album?  I mean, the only good song about this album was "This is Why I'm Hot."  Shawn Mims is a great remixing music artist, a decent mixtape musician, but when it comes to making full albums, they turn out like this.  I mean it is nice to see some life from the New York Hip-Hop industry, but if I had to see it from someone, Mims would not be the guy.  If I had to give this album on a 1 to 5 score, I would give it a straight up "1."  That "1" star signifies the only ONE track that was good on the entire album.  Although Mims' album did not do so well, he is getting back on the horse, and going for his second album in which he will be remixing most of the songs off his first  debut album (I guess we will have seehow that goes down).

So there you have it, my top three worst albums of 2007.  Soulja Boy is still young, and possess the power to become a great Hip-Hop artist, if he can repeat tracks like "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" then he should be well on his way to stardom.  T-Pain...hm...what more can I say about him?  He needs to come out with a full fledged solid album before he can gain my trust as an entertaining musician.  And that brings us to Shawn Mims.  Shawn has shown greatness, and I think it is only a matter of time until he hits it big with a great album.  Well thats all I got to say about The Worst of 2007.  Lets see what these artists bring to the table for 2008!

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