Alright, so the past couple of weeks have sure been rough on both my friend and I, but we finally have gotten to read all of our e-mails, and we will now be ready to put out some new names and faces. Expect to start seeing some more new artists pop up on here, and be sure to give them a listen, and let us know what you think of them. We have had Nyasha Shani, J. Dollaz, June the Dutch, and Rebbeca. We are ready to introduce a new lineup to the blog. A lineup filled with talent, and tons of new music. So, if you are ready for some major promotional posts, they are going to be going up in the near future! Be sure to check them out, and let us know what's up! We would also like to continue getting e-mails from people. If you want the blog to start producing you, drop us a line on our new
Up and Coming Artist E-Mail Account. We will check it daily, and will be sure to post up what you send us!
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