I never was a huge fan of freestyles, I always thought that they were sort of dumb and that they really were just musicians throwing random words together, not really anything to special. Then I stumble on Mr. Roth's twenty minute freestyle on a radio station. I got mad love for Asher, so I decide to give it a listen. I am telling you, the guy has a some killer lyrics, even though it is completely made up on the spot! Anyway, feel free to cop the twenty minute freestyle below, and check out some video footage.
When we decided to move V2 to a totally new template and format, we lost everything. All of our texts, widgets, and other features to the site were deleted. We are going to try and bring back our Music 101 section. It will feature many of the same old stuff, including where to find album/movie artwork, sheet music, and other great stuff that will help supply your music hunger. Our compilation of sites may take awhile to re-create, but do not fret, we will have it up as soon as possible! If you know of anything that should go here, let us know by dropping us an e-mail. Thanks, and we hope you make good use of this section!
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