Flo Rida is going to come back with an album in 09' entitled, R.O.O.T.S.  I am surprised by the title, then again, Mail on Sundays didn't make munch sense, and there would seem to be a more meaningful definition to the whole Roots idea.  He clearly isn't expressing his love for the clothing company, or maybe it is the roots of his hometown Florida... or maybe his family Roots, but I have a feeling that R.O.O.T.S has a meaning far more greater than any listed above.  I assume each letter represents something different, kind of like B.O.B (Bombs Over Baghdad for all you OutKast fans out there!).  Anyway, that's all the Flo Rida news we have right now.  I recently heard two tracks that have leaked onto the web, I have no idea if they are really going to be on the upcoming album, but you can hear them for yourselves by scouring the internet for them!

Just Recently Figured Out What R.O.O.T.S stands for: Routes of Overcoming the Struggle. The album could be released as soon as Spring of 2009 and that he is currently working with J Rock, Doctor Luke and DJ Montay on producing the album. DJ Montay helped him make and produced the hit single, "Low" so it's definitely great to hear him working with that DJ again. The first single, which still has no name is planning to be released in January of 2009!

Unconfirmed Tracks:
On & On
Right Round'
Touch Me

More Flo Rida News In The Near Future, So Be Sure To Check Back Here!

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