Well here it is, V2.  V2 will consist of some different things, obviously nothing too much different, hopefully more changes and other things that will help advance the blog will occur by V3 (if we last that long or if there will even be a V3).  ICECrush, BigRedMusik, and I (SoSickWitItYo) have put a lot of effort into V2 which has taken us about two weeks to set up. We hope that V2 is everything that we hope it will be. Some new and different things on the blog are as follows:

1. New URL to blog: http://thagoodlifereviews.blogspot.com
2. 3 Column Blog as opposed to the 2 Column Blog that we had going on before
3. Constant Music News Updates
4. Weekly Remixes
5. More Album Reviews

For V2, we are hoping that more people comment as we do take a lot of time putting the effort to listening to the full albums and really do enjoy talking about music. If you make remixes or mixtapes and want to get your songs out there (i.e. J. Dollaz or Green Flag Productions, etc.) please email me at my email address. If there is a request of an album you want reviews, let us know through the tag board we got up as of right now. More news and blog updates to come as time goes on...

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