Guys, you are in for a treat with this Remix of the Week! This is definitely the best remix that we are featuring so far, and I guarantee that you guys will love it. This week's remix is called "This Is Why I'm Bright" by Sully. He remixed the instrumentals, and a little bit of the vocals, from "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers, and the lyrics from "This Is Why I'm Hot" by MIMS. First of all, I love the song Mr. Brightside, and MIMS's song, while it isn't the best, is pretty catchy. The mix of the two songs though is undescribable, you just have to hear it to believe it. I also liked the mix of the two music videos that Sully did. What can I say? Sully is a mixing machine!!! If I knew who he was I'd give him mad props. Enjoy!!!


This Is Why I'm Bright

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