HAMMER TIME... oh wait a minute, never-mind.  It has been a long time since M.C. Hammer put out his hit song, "Hammer Time," and since then, he has lived a very interesting life, one with many controversial and interesting moments.  Back in 05', Mr. Hammer was featured on an ad during the Super Bowl which poked fun at his legal woes at the time.  Well for all you Hammer heads, the M.C. will be running an ad during this years Super Bowl XLIII.

In other Super Bowl news, expect to see an ad from GoDaddy.COM, seeing as they always do some sort of ad during this time.  If you think about it, the art of putting commercials on during the Super Bowl is pretty genius for any company.  Whether you are a small company looking to expand or an already large company looking for even more customers, putting something out during the Super Bowl allows for all those watching to view your company and take an interest in what you do.  The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events, and I promise that this years ads will be sure to impress all who watch, especially with business needing as many new customers as possible.  Expect some funny stuff to be out and some good ads.  The commercials are always consistent in the Super Bowl, every now and then you will find a poor matchup, but the commercials are always great!  

Hope Everyone Has A Safe And Fun Super Bowl Weekend

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